
Thought #51

Václav Klaus sounds like an old man.

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I'm inexperienced, thus it is tolerable for me to use inappropriate qualifications.

Imagine how ridiculous it is for someone who's education and thinking is based on decades and decades of shortcomings (highlighted by a recent and much welcome coming out of the dark) to comment on global leadership. Yet here we are with Václav advising on civilisational direction. Explaining how life works.

Yes, it appears to be cyclical for persons who have made contributions in the region to then burn a good part of them away by crying and accusing, a practice which for many appears to have been a way of life. 

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But making noise has always been part of our charm.

As a side note, Martin Wolf, the conservatively-leaning Financial Times columnist and recognised thinker in the field of economics has expressed the following thoughts on the future of capitalism, "Another ideological god has failed. The assumptions that ruled for three decades suddenly look as outdated as revolutionary socialism."He adds, "It is impossible at such a turning point to know where we are going."

This was published on Monday of this week and it is in this context that a newly elect President of the US, supported by both Congress and Senate, is getting ready to visit our region.

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My point is that it would be good for some of our thinkers and decision makers to check the news, because Wolf's thinking, right or wrong, is one of the presently leading schools of thought. Repeating the theories one learned in his kitchen, over and over, is not one of the presently leading schools of thought.

My apologies to the vast majority of people who make less noise. I sometimes feel the need to express my frustration.

Robert Šťastný

Robert Šťastný

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Robo Š; mam 34 rokov. Zoznam autorových rubrík:  PoeziaFikciaNázory

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